sugar, sugar, you're up to my lips
this is the first time i've met someone i can look in the eye without feeling shame for what's behind mine. meeting you was like coming home. i wouldn't trade you for anything or anyone in the world.
Oh, hello!.. If you're seeing this page, it means I don't have any social media links live on this bio. Sorry about that.If you'd like them, please direct message me on the website you came from... I have Tumblr, Discord, Spotify, Pinterest, Twitter, and Reddit. If you'd like any of these, feel free to ask, but I implore you not to take it too personally if I decline. You might be in proximity to the person who is keeping tabs on me - I promise, it probably has nothing to do with you personally.(By the way... If that person finds this page... Something for you since you seem to need something to do.)
(Get a life and quit worrying about mine.)